Monday, May 25, 2009

Jean Turns 80 (aka Grandma Jean, Nana, Mom)

Grandma Jean, Nana, Aunt Jean, Mom turned 80 today May 25. We had a small family get together at Donny and Denise's (yes it seems they have the party house).
If I could figure out how to label the pics I could tell you who everyone is. First one is us kids, to the right of that is great grandkids, grandkids, and then both greats and grandkids together. Make sense!
We are so blessed to have our Mom. I can't imagine raising seven kids. And now that we are parents ourselves we know the happiness, heartaches, and hardships she went through bringing us up. She taught us right from wrong, gave us direction, offered advice, but most of all she gave us love.
We love you MOM:)
Happy Birthday. We hope we are blessed with many more!!


June 13-Kristin and Tim Rost-17 Years

June 21-Rick and Gail Schwartz- 4 Years

June 25- Sue and Dave Doyle--27 years

Happy June Birthdays!
Elijah Briz -2
Jake Pollinger-3
Bradley Grunwald -5
Lauren Rost-17
Chelsi Hauser-19
Rick Schwartz- 21
Greg Dyn- 27
Rachel Newberry- 28

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Denise Hauser Turns 50

On April 29 Denise turned 50, the following Saturday May 2 her family had a party for her at the Hauser house. All of the brothers and sisters made it. Family and friends enjoyed themselves till the wee hours of the morning, thanks to Donnie's famous margarita mix.
I only had a few pics from that evening. Fun was had by all:)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Poirier Pregnancy

So I am just about 22 weeks which I guess is 5 months. It is confusing with the weeks and months! I had morning sickness really bad for the first 3 months plus some other issues that are best left out of the blog. :) I never got actually sick but boy was I nauseous! And smells...I had a period of where smells really got to me. I am told I am lucky because there is now a pill out there called Zofran which was like magic for me! It pretty much took all of my nausea away. The second trimester has been better. Really the worst part has been the back aches. I have tail bone pain and very low back pain. Even though it is bad at times, I will take that over the nausea, plus I know it is all worth if for this little guy. Oh, if you have not heard, "It's a boy!" We are still discussing names. It is a big decision to name your child....something that will be with him forever. Hopefully we will pick one soon! I am starting a pregnancy water aerobics class this week. It is twice a week at the Y. I am really looking forward to it! Not only do I think it will help my back I am hoping it will help me stay in some sort of shape/health and meet some other people.

17 weeks

19/20 weeks

22 weeks (don't look at the messy house!!!)

Mother's Day

We all gathered at the parents house and the men cooked a great meal. The deal was they cook for us on Mother's Day and we will cook for them on Father's Day. It was a nice relaxing afternoon/evening. Grandma got a nice photo with the kids!

Fun time out with the Aunt's and Uncle's!

Bill and Patty got an afternoon and evening to themselves and went out for a movie and dinner.
We took the kids to the park. Hannah slept for this part. The walk was longer than I thought but Jae was a trooper! Jae and I got on the tire swing too....Uncle Jake was very helpful with getting the pregnant lady in & out of this tire swing safely! :) photos of that one. We were almost back to our house when Uncle Eric gave Jae a piggy back ride! It was actually the one part that had a small hill! We all made it! Then we did some crafts. Barb helped Jae make a Mother's Day card for Patty with all of Barb's fancy scrap booking stuff. The last stop was Chuck E. Cheese! The three boys managed to get 425 tickets so Jae got a cool lifesaver. After we came home we had some low key time and then the parents were back! It was fun. The kids are always so good!
Craft time
Hannah playing with her teapot.

The boys haveing fun at Chuck E Cheese
Hannah having fun! We walked around a lot at Chuck E Cheese!